COC部落冲突官网发布最新消息 万圣节周末惊喜!

编辑:懿轩 发布时间:

保养休息即将推出!我们正在增加更多的服务器电源,以确保顺利冲突的每一个人。感谢您的耐心等待! PS:请记住,对于提升兵营,英雄和咒语厂将在维护期间自动暂停。当您返回到游戏中,只需轻按建设,并选择“继


In case you missed it, the Barbarian wants to remind you that there's a Spell Factory 1-gem boost special happening now and running through Halloween weekend! 



Maintenance break coming soon! We’re adding more server power to ensure smooth Clashing for everyone. Thank you for your patience! 
P.S: Remember that boosts for Barracks, Heroes and Spell Factory will be paused automatically during maintenance. When you return to the game, just tap the building and choose “Resume” to continue boosting.

Hey Chief, did you hear the news? There's now increased League bonus and more War loot!!

✔ Get at least 20% more Gold, Elixir and Dark Elixir from Clan Wars!
✔ Keep more of your war loot even if your Clan doesn’t win the Clan War
✔ Store more war loot in your Clan Castle
✔ Get a bigger League bonus from winning multiplayer battles in all Leagues





《高能英雄》 S4全新排位赛季——猎影迷踪已于4月30日07:00正式开启!新赛季不仅有新奖励,更有全新玩法模式-空投模式火热来袭!欢乐游园会系列活动也将在S4赛季逐步开启,福利多多,快来参与!.