
编辑:灯火阑珊 发布时间:

15日,据网易游戏官方证实,网易与国际知名游戏公司KONAMI联手打造的正版足球手机游戏《实况俱乐部》代言人尘埃落定,欧洲豪门教练、传奇六冠王瓜迪奥拉正式牵手网易, 成为KONAMI正版足球手游《实况俱乐部》...

正版牵手瓜迪奥拉《实况俱乐部》人气飙升《实况俱乐部》最为人称道的就是游戏获得欧足协、FIFPro、西班牙联赛、法国联赛、荷兰联赛等实名授权,玩家可以在超过1500名活跃于欧洲联赛的世界球星中,自由收集自己喜爱的球星,打造独一无二的明星梦之队,《实况俱乐部》不仅给你最真实的视觉享受,更加独创了3D赛事过程。这在今年蜂拥而出的足球类游戏里独树一帜,对玩家的吸引力十分强烈。在开放测试前,网易证实已签约前任宇宙队巴萨、现任德甲冠军拜仁的主教练瓜迪奥拉,无疑使得游戏的知名度和影响力剧增。《实况俱乐部》多项创新玩让玩家爱不释手游戏采用全3D视觉特效,真实还原球场实景,全面模拟实况足球的比赛全过程。已经得到网易游戏证实的是著名足球解说王涛和刘建宏等人均已“献声”游戏,逼真的画面代入感和激情的比赛解说,能够让球迷们在游戏中随时体验实况盛宴。在全面模拟真实足球赛制的基础上,《实况俱乐部》拥有PVE、PVP多种自由对战模式,满足玩家突破自我挑战极致的游戏追求。玩家可以自由组建球队,亲自DIY选择球队的队衣、队徽,为自己的球队命名,率领球队征战挑战赛、杯赛、友谊赛、PVP等,把控全场战术,精心排兵布阵、调配队员,凭借精彩的赛场表现,不断达成新的成就、挑战至高荣耀!网易欲借《实况俱乐部》进军体育游戏众所周知,网易游戏的强项在于自研,不过从09年以来,网易就不断加强与各个国际知名游戏公司如暴雪等的合作,不断填补各类细分游戏市场的空白。体育类游戏虽然小众,但在国内前景更为广阔,与手机这一移动平台的结合,更有利于向泛娱化人群的推广。在中国不管是球迷还是足球游戏迷,无数人的目光都会为这个黑白精灵所吸引。《实况俱乐部》自5月9日开启精英测试以来,更是饱受玩家欢迎,希望尽快启动开放测试。在各种利好下,网易借助《实况俱乐部》正式踏入体育游戏这一细分市场的时机可谓得天独厚。而对于中国数以亿计的球迷朋友来说,瓜迪奥拉代言网易正版足球手游《实况俱乐部》,更是首位欧洲豪门教练为中国产品所打动,其重要意义不言而喻。这个夏天,让我们跟随瓜迪奥拉的脚步,一起领略足球和手机游戏结合的魅力吧!官网:wscs.163.com以下是授权信息:Official Licensed Product of UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE?. All names, logos and trophies of UEFA are the property, registered trademarks and/or logos of UEFA and are used herein with the permission of UEFA. No reproduction is allowed without the prior written approval of UEFA. All club names, club logos and individual players’names are the property of the respective club or person. UEFA shall bear no responsibility for the use of these names and/or logos.adidas, the 3-Bars logo, the 3-Stripe trade mark, adipure, Predator, Climacool and adizero are registered trade marks of the adidas Group, used with permission. F50 is a trade mark of the adidas Group, used with permissionThe use of images and names of the football players in this game is under license from FIFPro Commercial Enterprises BV. FIFPro is a registered trademark of FIFPro Commercial Enterprises BV.Liga BBVA 13/14Product under Official Licence from the LFPwww.lfp.es? 2002 Ligue de Football Professionnel ?Officially Licensed by Eredivisie Media & Marketing C.V. and Stichting CAO voor Contractspelers"Clydesdale Bank Premier League and Scottish Premier League Trademarks, logos, player names and likenesses appear under licence from Scottish Premier League. These materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the rights holder".Official Licensed Product of A.C. MilanOfficial product manufactured and distributed by KDE under licence granted by Soccer s.a.s. di Brand Management S.r.l.All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license.?Konami Digital Entertainment