
编辑:吴节操 发布时间:

超好玩小编吴节操带来最新报道:10月15日下午,日本软银与GongHo知名手游《智龙迷城》的开发商,以15亿美元的价格,收购COC开发商SuperCell 51%的股份。想了解更多,请看以下内容:  Ilkka Paananen与软...

超好玩小编吴节操带来最新报道:10月15日下午,日本软银与GongHo(知名手游《智龙迷城》的开发商),以15亿美元的价格,收购COC开发商SuperCell 51%的股份。想了解更多,请看以下内容:

 Ilkka Paananen与软银董事长孙正义的合照

芬兰移动游戏开发商Supercell周二宣布,该公司已把51%的股权以1500亿日元(约合15.21亿美元)的价格出售给了软银和《智龙迷城》(Puzzle & Dragons)的移动游戏商GungHo在线娱乐(GungHo Online Entertainment)。此次交易对Supercell的估值约为29.82亿美元。为完成此次收购,买方设立一家合资公司,软银出资80%,Gungho出资20%,并借这家公司完成与此前持有Supercell股份的几家公司的交易。在此交易之前,Supercell和GungHo已在今年年初建立伙伴关系,在游戏内展开协作。长期以来,软银不仅作为运营商是移动网络的主要投资者,而且也充当着网络中运行的服务的投资人。软银在周二发布的声明中表示,自2010年创办以来,《部落战争》(Clash of Clans)游戏的开发商Supercell发展迅猛。今年4月,Supercell以7.7亿美元的估值募集到1.30亿美元资金。很明显,Supercell仍处于快速增长当中。因为在过去的7个月时间里,该公司的估值增长了近三倍。Supercell首席执行官伊卡·帕纳宁(Ilkka Paananen)在官方博客中表示,“新结盟将加速让Supercell朝着成为真正的全球性游戏公司迈进,它将让我们有足够的时间实现这一目标。”Supercell的快速崛起已经成为移动游戏行业的一个现象级案例。今年第一季度,Supercell营收达1.79亿美元,营业利润达1.06亿美元。Supercell的主要投资者Accel Partners称,Supercell是有史以来增长最快的公司。Accel Partners曾投资过Facebook、Spotify以及Groupon等互联网新贵。帕纳宁表示,“平板电脑、移动和免费游戏模式已经为游戏产业创造出一个新市场。这个市场能够接纳数十亿游戏玩家,数量远远超过游戏产业史上的玩家数量。”帕纳宁赞扬了软银创始人孙正义的“长期愿景”,强调Supercell的宏伟蓝图是成为全球最大的游戏公司之一。他说,“我们希望打造一家公司,在未来的30年后,全球的游戏玩家仍在谈论我们开发出的伟大游戏,以及这些游戏对他们生活的影响。我个人感觉就像是任天堂那样。”帕纳宁此前曾强调,他认为社交游戏必须提升质量来获得持久影响力,当时市场对绝大多数流行免费游戏的是非曲直仍在探讨当中。帕纳宁近期在接受英国《卫报》采访时表示,“社交游戏产业曾有一段时间,人们认为你应当开发出基于表格的伟大游戏:创造力和设计根本无关紧要,因为归根结底它们与数学相关。”他说,“游戏仍然是某种形式的艺术,而不是某种形式的科学。在表格上你无法设计出乐趣。如果想要要产业持久,如果无法开发出有趣的游戏,就没有未来可言。”GungHo目前是全球少数几家凭借着一款移动游戏获取巨额收入的公司。今年第一季度,GungHo的营收达到了3.03亿美元。SuperCell公司CEO Ilkka Paananen,也在推特上面发布消息,表明SuperCell收到来自日本软银与GongHo的15亿美元的投资,SuperCell要成为真正的全球化游公司,现在更近一步了。在SuperCell官方网站博客,也刊登Ilkka Paananen撰写的名为《One Step Closer》的***,公开解释了接受这笔15亿投资的原因和内情。


Hi Everyone,I have some very exciting news to share with you today. We have received a strategic investment of $1.5 billion from SoftBank and GungHo. This new partnership will accelerate Supercell towards our goal of being the first truly global games company, and gives us enough time to get there.Let me try to explain why.The combination of tablets, mobile and the free-to-play business model has created a new market for games, one that will be accessible to billions of consumers, more people than ever before in the history of games. This truly is a new era of gaming and has opened up exciting opportunities for new kinds of companies.At Supercell, one of our greatest aspirations is to become the first truly global games company, one that has a strong foothold in both the West and the East, including Japan, Korea and China. We want to build a company that people all over the globe will look back in 30 years and talk about all the great games that we developed and the impact they had on people’s lives. The same way I personally feel about Nintendo, for example.This is a lofty goal and getting there takes persistence, passion, and luck – but just as importantly, it takes time, and requires a lot of patience. Even if we have had a pretty good start on our journey, it is still very early days. Creating history takes time.The strategic investment from SoftBank helps us to accelerate towards our goal in two different ways:1) SoftBank provides us with a massive selection of strategic resources that will help us deliver our games to hundreds of millions of new consumers all over the globe.2) SoftBank is all about the long term. In fact, I have never met anyone who thinks as long term as its founder, Masayoshi Son, does. When we first met, he told me he has a 300-year vision, and I thought he was joking until the following day when he ran me through what it actually looks like and it is indeed very real and extremely inspirational. When you meet someone like Masa you realize what it takes to build a global business that will last forever. It further strengthened my belief that, we are just getting started. As a company, we are 3 years old so we’re only 1% done if we plan for the next 300 years.In his own words, here’s what Masa wanted to tell our players, employees and friends about Supercell and our new partnership:“In our quest to become the #1 mobile Internet company, we scour the globe in search of interesting opportunities and right now some of the most exciting companies and innovations are coming out of Finland.  Supercell is one of those rare and special companies. While your success is impressive, it is your amazing culture and deep passion that truly inspired me. After getting to know Ilkka and some of the team, it became clear to me that you, like us at Softbank, are on a similar long and aspirational journey to shape the future of entertainment for the next hundred years.  And, I'm excited to see an independent Supercell continue to rise with great people and great games, delivering happiness to so many people around the world."This new partnership also takes our collaboration with our good friends at GungHo to the next level. We are super excited to have them participate in this investment by putting in 20% of the total amount. We’ve had a great collaboration between Puzzle & Dragons and Clash of Clans. They’re an amazing bunch of people, and they have a terrific culture. Through them we’ve come to learn that the Japanese and Finnish cultures are pretty similar on many levels. Not only when it comes to taking your shoes off before you enter someone’s home, but also and more importantly, when it comes to partying, if you know what I mean.It may sound like a detail, but I should also mention that the company that will end up owning 51% of Supercell is incorporated in Finland. This is both exciting and important for me personally. Although our aspirations are global, our roots and future are very much in Finland. Our operations remain in Finland, our management team remains in Finland and in San Francisco, and we continue to pay taxes in Finland. I think more and more people in this country are realizing that there is life after Nokia!Naturally, this transaction is great for us from an economic perspective. As many of you know, a big part of Supercell’s culture is the idea of “we are all in this together”. In line with this thinking, everyone at the company will participate in the upside and receive a portion of the proceeds from the investment. None of us work here just for of money, but when the company succeeds, everyone should get their fair share of it and this transaction is no exception.Although we now have a major new investor in Softbank, it is extremely important to understand that we are still in full control of our future and will continue to operate independently. In fact, and this may sound surprising to some, I feel that with this deal, we're now more independent and in control of our future than we ever have been.Lastly, I want to thank our players, all the Supercellians, and everyone else whose support has been so valuable in getting us this far. We’ve had an amazing journey together, and it will only get more exciting in the years to come.Thank you for reading this far. I know this was a lengthy post, but since this is such an important milestone for the company, I wanted to take the time to fully explain our thinking behind it and exactly what it means to all of you.Now, let’s go make history together! Kippis! Kampai!值得一提的是,Ilkka Paananen个人希望Supercell能够像任天堂那样,成为一家在30年内能够开发出影响全球各地玩家生活游戏的公司。We want to build a company that people all over the globe will look back in 30 years and talk about all the great games that we developed and the impact they had on people’s lives. The same way I personally feel about Nintendo, for example.